09:00 - 09:30 Warm up
09:30 - 10:15 Keynote Speaker 7
Marc Ávila
Drop breakup in turbulent flows
09:30 - 10:15 Keynote Speaker 8
Massimo Cencini
Microorganisms swimming in turbulence
11:30:00 | 253 | Antonio Matas, Ezhilsabareesh Kannadasan, Callum Atkinson and Julio Soria | Streamwise evolution of the interscale transport of energy-containing eddies in turbulent boundary layers |
11:45:00 | 260 | Kazuhiro Inagaki and Hiromichi Kobayashi | Importance of anisotropic subgrid-scale stress in large-eddy simulation of turbulent channel flows |
12:00:00 | 299 | Asif Manzoor Hasan, Johan Larsson, Sergio Pirozzoli and Rene Pecnik | Intrinsic compressibility effects in wall-bounded turbulent flows – understanding the physical mechanism |
12:15:00 | 311 | Igor Maia, Petrônio Nogueira and André Cavalieri | Reduced-order models of turbulent channel flow |
12:30:00 | 312 | Sergio Gandía Barberá and Sergio Hoyas | On the organization of coherent structures in turbulent Couette-Poiseuille transition channels |
12:45:00 | 361 | Jurriaan Peeters | On the relation between the scalar spectrum and the Stanton number in rough ducts |
13:00:00 | 365 | Felician Constantin Putz and Martin Oberlack | Symmetries in Second Moment Turbulence Modeling |
13:15:00 | 373 | Ciro Campolina and Alexei Mailybaev | Logarithmic lattice models for flows with boundaries |
11:30:00 | 3 | Eric Woillez, Jérôme Valentin and Philippe-E Roche | Spectrum and histogram of vorticity in a superfluid grid experiment |
11:45:00 | 431 | Zhentong Zhang, Ionut Danaila, Emmanuel Lévêque and Luminita Danaila | Higher-order statistics and intermittency of a two-fluid HVBK quantum turbulent flow |
12:00:00 | 99 | Yue Yang and Zhaoyuan Meng | Quantum computing of fluid dynamics using the hydrodynamic Schrödinger equation |
12:15:00 | 164 | Alessandra Sabina Lanotte, Riccardo Panico, Paolo Comaron, Michal Matuszewski, Daniele Sanvitto and Dario Ballarini | Inverse energy cascade in two-dimensional dissipative quantum turbulence |
12:30:00 | 367 | Ionut Danaila, Georges Sadaka, Zhentong Zhang, Victor Kalt and Marc-Etienne Brachet | Mutual friction coupling of Gross-Pitaevskii and Navier-Stokes equations |
12:45:00 | 186 | Clément Bret, Pantxo Diribarne, Jérôme Duplat and Bernard Rousset | Lagrangian dynamics and second sound vorticity measurements in oscillating grid turbulence of cryogenic normal/superfluid 4He |
11:30:00 | 232 | Ayoub Mansar and Frederic Dias | Breaking of short-crested waves and induced vorticity |
11:45:00 | 285 | Marco Mazzuoli and Aman G. Kidanemariam | Direct numerical simulation of non-breaking gravity waves: transition to turbulence in the wave boundary layer |
12:00:00 | 304 | Nicolaos Petropoulos and Colm-Cille P. Caulfield | The role of density interfaces in mixing strongly stratified turbulent flows |
12:15:00 | 338 | Naoto Yokoyama and Masanori Takaoka | Anisotropic energy-flux vector in stratified turbulence |
12:30:00 | 351 | Pierre Augier, Vincent Labarre, Giorgio Krstulovic and Sergey Nazarenko | Comprehensive open datasets of stratified turbulence forced in vertical vorticity or wave modes |
12:45:00 | 360 | Miguel Bustamante | Extending the Gibbon-Fokas-Doering stagnation-point-type ansatz to finite-energy initial conditions: A solution to the Navier-Stokes Millennium Prize Problem? |
13:00:00 | 369 | Julie Deleuze, Sylvain Joubaud and Philippe Odier | Mixing by breaking of internal waves |
13:15:00 | 388 | Colm-Cille Caulfield and Samuel Lewin | A data-driven method for modelling dissipation rates in stratified turbulence |
11:30:00 | 309 | Davide Procacci, Alessio Roccon, Alfredo Soldati and Jannike Solsvik | Comparison of phase-field method formulations for simulations of bubbly flows |
11:45:00 | 273 | Martin Lellep, Moritz Linkmann and Alexander Morozov | Time-dependent dynamics of 3D states in viscoelastic pressure-driven channel flow |
12:00:00 | 320 | Mateus Guimarães, Fernando Pinho and Carlos Silva | Transport and mixing of passive and active scalars in turbulent viscoelastic jets and wakes analysed by DNS |
12:15:00 | 324 | Georgios Giamagas, Francesco Zonta, Alessio Roccon and Alfredo Soldati | Interaction between capillary waves and hydrodynamic turbulence in a two-layer oil-water flow |
12:30:00 | 389 | Sarita V. Casas-Urrunaga, Evan B. Banadyga and D. J. Bergstrom | Study of particle-wall interaction in pneumatic conveying in a vertical pipe |
12:45:00 | 400 | Susumu Goto and Yutaro Motoori | Turbulence attenuation by finite-size spherical particles |
13:00:00 | 401 | Daiki Watanabe and Susumu Goto | Sustaining mechanism of turbulence in a rotating container partially filled with liquid |
13:15:00 | 424 | Pedro Costa, Wei Gao and Matteo Parsani | Lift-induced drag increase in turbulent wall transport of small inertial particles |
11:30:00 | 234 | Junwei Chen, Stefano Discetti and Marco Raiola | Offline optimal sensor positioning for time-resolved flow field estimation with point probes |
11:45:00 | 494 | Abderahmane Marouf, Thomas Lampert, Marianna Braza and Yannick Hoarau | Machine Learning approach POD-LSTM and reconstruction to reduced order modelling for aerodynamic turbulent flows |
12:00:00 | 390 | Jiayi Cai, Pierre-Emmanuel Angeli, Jean-Marc Martinez, Guillaume Damblin and Didier Lucor | Reynolds Stress Anisotropy Tensor Predictions using Neural Networks |
12:15:00 | 403 | Francisco Alcántara-Ávila, Marcial Sanchis Agudo, Lucas Gasparino, Jordi Muela Castro, Bernat Font Garcia, Jean Rabault, Oriol Lehmkuhl and Ricardo Vinuesa Motilva | Separation control in adverse-pressure-gradient turbulent boundary layers |
12:30:00 | 442 | Thibault Maurel-Oujia, Suhas Jain, Keigo Matsuda, Kai Schneider, Jacob West and Kazuki Maeda | Synthesis of preferential concentration of particles in isotropic turbulence using neural networks |
12:45:00 | 443 | Aishwarya Nair, Luis Vila Castro and Siddhartha Verma | Inverse identification of the relationship between intermittency in scalar dissipation rate and energy dissipation rate |
13:00:00 | 458 | Sergio de María-García, Òscar Garibo-i-Orts, Alba Baeza-Boscá, Albert Ferrando, J. Alberto Conejero and Miguel Ángel García-March | Vortex detection with machine learning |
13:15:00 | 509 | Raphael Villiers, Vincent Mons, Denis Sipp, Éric Lamballais and Marcello Meldi | Learning turbulent model from sparse data through data assimilation and machine learning. |
11:30:00 | 225 | Benjamin Devenish and David Thomson | Non-Gaussianity and incompressibility in turbulent relative dispersion |
11:45:00 | 229 | Yasmin Hengster, Martin Lellep, Julian Weigel, Matthew Bross, Johannes Bosbach, Daniel Schanz, Andreas Schröder, Florian Huhn, Matteo Novara, Daniel Garaboa Paz, Christian J. Kähler and Moritz Linkmann | Effects of anisotropy on the geometry of tracer particle trajectories in turbulent flows |
12:00:00 | 239 | Frank Jacobitz and Kai Schneider | Revisiting Taylor’s Hypothesis for Homogeneous Turbulent Shear Flow |
12:15:00 | 269 | Tian Ma, Shiyong Tan, Hendrik Hessenkemper, Anna Sommer, Kerstin Eckert, Rui Ni and Andrew Bragg | An experimental study on particle-pair dispersion in bubble-induced turbulence |
12:30:00 | 326 | Yasmin Hengster and Moritz Linkmann | Lagrangian curvature statistics from Gaussian sub-ensembles in von Kármán flow and Rayleigh-Bénard convection |
12:45:00 | 342 | Timothy Chan and Dominik Krug | Insights into bubble–particle collisions with gravity from point-particle simulations |
13:00:00 | 362 | André Considera and Simon Thalabard | Spontaneous stochasticity in the presence of intermittency |
13:15:00 | 387 | Linfeng Jiang and Dominik Krug | Turbulence effect on the bubble-particle collision efficiency |
11:30:00 | 270 | Jannik Borgelt, Matthias Meinke and Wolfgang Schröder | A zonal RANS/LES method for rotor-stator wakes |
11:45:00 | 272 | Andrzej Boguslawski and Karol Wawrzak | Approximate Deconvolution vs. Unresolved Scale Estimation Model – Burgers turbulence analysis |
12:00:00 | 300 | Zuoli Xiao and Xiaole Wang | Subgrid-scale modelling towards large-eddy simulation of laminar-turbulent transitional flows: methodology and application |
12:15:00 | 404 | Mara S. Escarti-Guillem, Sergio Hoyas Calvo and Luis M. García-Raffi | Study of the contribution of noise sources during rocket take-off using LES |
12:30:00 | 413 | Antonella Abbà, Andrea Cimarelli and Massimo Germano | Tensorial viscosity model for LES of complex flows |
12:45:00 | 498 | Jian Li, Mengdan Tian and Yi Li | Synchronisation between large eddy simulations and direct numerical simulations via sequential data assimilation |
11:30:00 | 84 | Shiming Zhang, Zhen Lu and Yue Yang | Modeling the boundary-layer flashback of premixed hydrogen enriched swirling flames at high pressures |
11:45:00 | 95 | Yitong Fan, Weipeng Li, Melissa Kozul and Richard Sandberg | Effects of wall heat transfer on the transport of Reynolds shear stress and turbulent heat flux in compressible turbulent boundary layers |
12:00:00 | 97 | Yubin Song, Peng Zhang and Zhenhua Xia | Skin friction law in the compressible turbulent channel flows |
12:15:00 | 149 | Chuhan Wang and Chunxiao Xu | Direct numerical simulation of supersonic turbulent skin-friction reduction via the boundary-layer combustion |
12:30:00 | 288 | Francesco De Vita, Mario Di Renzo and Giuseppe Pascazio | Supersonic hydrogen combustion induced by shock waves |
12:45:00 | 398 | Agnieszka Wawrzak, Lena Caban, Artur Tyliszczak and Epaminondas Mastorakos | Impact of a bluff-body design on dynamics of turbulent non-premixed hydrogen flame |
11:30:00 | 350 | Sebastien Gome, Alienor Riviere, Laurette Tuckerman and Dwight Barkley | Transition to turbulence without large-scale flow |
11:45:00 | 353 | Santiago Benavides, Laurette Tuckerman and Dwight Barkley | Analysis of turbulent bands in planar shear flows |
12:15:00 | 370 | Karoline-Marie Bornemann and Dominik Obrist | Three-dimensional laminar-turbulent transition mechanisms downstream of a bioprosthetic aortic valve |
12:30:00 | 376 | Schahin Akbari and Martin Oberlack | Helical Turbulence – the Transition between 2D and 3D Turbulence |
12:45:00 | 378 | Dongdong Xu and Pierre Ricco | Excitation and evolution of subsonic Gortler vortices excited by elevated frees-tream vortical disturbances |
13:00:00 | 407 | Rishav Raj, Alban Potherat and Chris Pringle | Effect of neutrally buoyant particles on transitional pipe flow characteristics. |
13:15:00 | 411 | Konstantinos Sarras, Cynthia Tayeh, Vincent Mons, Olivier Marquet and Denis Sipp | Stall cells identification through global stability of turbulent mean-flows: a data-assimilation approach |
15:00:00 | 302 | Takashi Ishihara, Masashi Miyamoto and Yukio Kaneda | DNS data analysis of the velocity-gradient tensor in high Reynolds number isotropic turbulence |
15:15:00 | 348 | Marco Zecchetto, Tomoaki Watanabe, Nagata Kouji and Carlos B. da Silva | Turbulent/non-turbulent interfaces bounding regions of equilibrium and non-equilibrium turbulence |
15:30:00 | 386 | Cat Tuong Nguyen and Martin Oberlack | Symmetry-induced high-moment turbulent scaling laws of a spatially evolving turbulent round jet |
15:45:00 | 394 | Simon Goertz, Johannes Conrad, Dominik Plümacher and Martin Oberlack | Isotropy and a finite dimensional eigenvalue problem from the Lundgren hierarchy of turbulence |
16:00:00 | 432 | Wouter Bos and Ryo Araki | Inertial range scaling of inhomogeneous turbulence |
16:15:00 | 449 | Tom Buchwald, Philipp Godbersen, Daniel Schanz and Andreas Schröder | Three-dimensional kinetic energy spectrum analysis of homogenous turbulence using Shake-The-Box LPT |
16:30:00 | 477 | Quentin Pikeroen and Berengere Dubrulle | Tracking complex singularities of fluids on log-lattices |
16:45:00 | 491 | Michal Macek, Georgy Zinchenko, Jakub Urban, Vera Musilaova, Pavel Urban and Joerg Schumacher | Assessing non-Oberbeck-Boussinesq effects of convection in cryogenic helium |
15:00:00 | 393 | Patricia Sujar-Garrido, Carola Schmidt, Bettina Frohnapfel and Ramis Örlü | A hot-wire anemometry guide on where to or not to measure. |
15:15:00 | 420 | David Garcia Perez, Patricia Ventura Diaz and Seokkwan Yoon | Effect of Turbulence Modeling on Rotor Performance Prediction for NASA’s Tiltwing Air Taxi Concept |
15:30:00 | 456 | Yin Yi Kwong, Christopher Schauerte and Anne-Marie Schreyer | Modal Analysis of the Wake of a Supercritical Two-Dimensional Airfoil in Transonic Buffet Conditions |
15:45:00 | 462 | Saad Inam, Cung Nguyen, Davide Lasagna, Marco Placidi and Zheng-Tong Xie | Effect of free-stream turbulence on wake flows of an array of square cylinders |
16:00:00 | 471 | Jishen Zhang and Stéphane Perrard | 1D Chain of Coupled Pendulum in a Turbulent Flow |
16:15:00 | 475 | Jibu Jose, Yuhui Lu, Karuna Agarwal and Joseph Katz | On the evolution of flow, pressure, lift, and moment during dynamic stall of an oscillating airfoil |
15:00:00 | 397 | Marius Mihai Neamtu-Halic, Markus Holzner and Laura Maria Stancanelli | Drag reduction with wall-attached ferrofluid films in a turbulent channel flow |
15:15:00 | 418 | Juan A. Medina M., Marten Klein and Heiko Schmidt | Investigating dissipative roughness effects on turbulent drag using a stochastic turbulence model |
15:30:00 | 455 | Stephen Jackson and Shuisheng He | Laminarisation and turbulence enhancement of non-uniform body force influenced flows |
15:45:00 | 483 | Anne-Marie Schreyer and Deepak Prem Ramaswamy | Control of shock-induced separation over compliant surfaces |
16:00:00 | 497 | Davide Scarselli, Jose M. Lopez, Atul Varshney and Björn Hof | Cardiac-cycle inspired drag reduction in turbulent pipe flow |
15:00:00 | 102 | Zhaoyu Shi, Sangseung Lee, Seyed Morteza Khorasani, Heesoo Shin and Shervin Bagheri | Drag prediction of rough-wall turbulent flows via data-driven methods |
15:15:00 | 211 | Gerardo Zampino, Marco Atzori, Soledad Le Clainche, Sergio Hoyas and Ricardo Vinuesa | High-fidelity simulations of simplified urban flows |
15:30:00 | 347 | Rafael Diez Sanhueza, Ido Akkerman and Jurriaan Peeters | Data-driven optimization of rough surfaces for convective heat transfer enhancement |
15:45:00 | 366 | Miguel M. Valero and Marcello Meldi | A physics-informed data-driven Immersed Boundary Method using online sequential Data Assimilation |
16:00:00 | 368 | Angela Busse and Oleksandr Zhdanov | Investigation of turbulent flows over regular roughness in the limit of low planform and frontal solidity |
16:15:00 | 402 | Aman G. Kidanemariam, Jason Monty and Ivan Marusic | Direct numerical simulation of the interaction between collinear gravity waves and turbulence in open-channel flows |
16:30:00 | 405 | Pierre-Emmanuel Angeli and Maria Adela Puscas | Large eddy simulation of fluid/structure interaction of two in-line cylinders in a turbulent flow |
16:45:00 | 444 | Kosuke Osawa and Javier Jiménez | Extremely causal events of turbulent channel flow |
15:00:00 | 508 | Juan Carlos Bilbao-Ludena and George Papadakis | The structure of large events in the production mechanisms of enstrophy and strain rate in the transitioning and recirculating flow around a wing |
15:15:00 | 391 | Pierre Ricco, Dongdong Xu, Lian Duan and Martin Skote | Integral identities for the study of the skin-friction coefficient of incompressible and compressible boundary layers |
15:30:00 | 468 | Carlos Hernandez, Qiang Yang and Yongyun Hwang | Wall-bounded turbulence without self-sustaining process |
15:45:00 | 493 | Amir Shahirpour and Jörn Sesterhenn | Interactions between large-scale coherent and small-scale incoherent structures in turbulent pipe flow |
15:00:00 | 399 | Nicolas Valade, Simon Thalabard and Jérémie Bec | Anomalous Dissipation and Spontaneous Stochasticity in Surface Quasi-Geostrophic Flow |
15:15:00 | 406 | Alessandro Gambino, Stefano Brizzolara, Marius Mihai Neamtu Halic, Ron Shnapp, Andrea Mazzino and Markus Holzner | Alignment of inertial fibers in turbulence and two-way coupling effects |
15:30:00 | 416 | Martin Schiødt, Azur Hodzic, Fabien Evrard, Max Hausmann, Berend Van Wachem and Clara Velte | Modal characterization of the temporal dynamics in particle-laden turbulence |
15:45:00 | 440 | Romain Volk, Benjamin Laplace, Nicolas Plihon and Mickael Bourgoin | Settling of moderately dense inertial particles in turbulence |
16:00:00 | 441 | Stephan Weiss, Daniel Schanz, Andreas Schroeder and Johannes Bosbach | Lagrangian properties of Rayleigh-Benard convection in large aspect ratio containers |
16:15:00 | 459 | Sebastian Gallon, Fabio Feraco, Alessandro Sozza, Raffaele Marino and Alain Pumir | On forward-backward dispersion in anisotropic turbulence |
16:30:00 | 461 | Maurizio Carbone, Vincent Peterhans, Alexander Ecker and Michael Wilczek | A generative model of the velocity gradient dynamics in turbulence based on normalizing flows |
15:00:00 | 307 | Konstantinos Steiros | Balanced non-equilibrium turbulence |
15:15:00 | 318 | Francisco Oliveira, Zahra Khodaei and Oliver Buxton | Analysis of upstream wake induced loads to optimize the design layout of an array of cylinders |
15:30:00 | 343 | Timofey Mukha, Linnea Huusko, Geert Brethouwer, Philipp Schlatter and Gunilla Svensson | A spectral-element solver for LES of the atmospheric boundary layer |
15:45:00 | 363 | Vladimír Fuka | Performance of algebraic subgrid-scale models in LES of the stable boundary layer. |
16:00:00 | 421 | Tariq Ridwan, David Pino and Adeline Montlaur | Investigation on wall-resolved and wall-modeled large-eddy simulations of a barotropic convective boundary layer |
12:45:00 | 486 | Alessia Ferraro, Gregory Chini and Tobias M. Schneider | Do marginally-stable manifolds chart chaos? |
16:30:00 | 463 | Radka Kellnerová and Klára Jurčáková | Detection of organised flow structures in real atmosphere |
16:45:00 | 487 | Anja Stieren, Jens Kasper, Srinidhi Nagarada Gadde and Richard Stevens | Impact of Negative Geostrophic Wind Shear on Wind Farm Performance |
15:00:00 | 313 | Tota Kobayashi and Mamoru Tanahashi | Data Augmentation for Turbulent Combustion Modelling by using PCA-GAN |
15:15:00 | 317 | Tobias Gibis and Christoph Wenzel | Compressible turbulent boundary layers with heat transfer and pressure gradients |
15:30:00 | 331 | Yuki Tochinai, Ryuta Miyashita, Masayasu Shimura and Mamoru Tanahashi | Turbulent flame structure of steam-diluted oxygen and hydrogen non-premixed combustion on a multi-cluster burner |
15:45:00 | 385 | Jesse Canfield, Len Margolin and Kendra Van Buren | Turbulent Rankine-Hugoniot Relations |
16:00:00 | 426 | Daniel Martinez-Sanchis, Andrej Sternin and Oskar Haidn | Turbulence and combustion performance for space propulsion applications |
16:15:00 | 427 | Andrej Sternin, Daniel Martinez-Sanchis and Oskar Haidn | Flame-generated turbulence in combustion for space propulsion |
16:30:00 | 502 | Alexei Kritsuk | The vKHM Relation for Energy Transfer in Isothermal Compressible Turbulence |
16:45:00 | 430 | Jian Teng, Zelong Yuan and Jianchun Wang | Subgrid-scale modelling of premixed flames using artificial neural networks in large eddy simulations |
15:00:00 | 415 | Benjamin Blaisot, Romain Mathis and Sébastien Cazin | Effect of free-stream turbulence intensity on free surface deformation of a viscous liquid |
15:15:00 | 447 | Vikrant Gupta and Minping Wan | Prediction of turbulent systems from limited measurements by using data assimilation methods |
15:30:00 | 457 | Arnab Choudhury and Arghya Samanta | Spatial stability of a heated falling film down slippery plane |
15:45:00 | 460 | Lizeth Rubio and Meital Geva | Experimental Investigation of the Turbulent Boundary Layer Over Rough Young Wavy Water Surface |
16:00:00 | 464 | Chi Hin Chan, Mohammad Hossain, Yongyun Hwang and Spencer Sherwin | The building blocks of spiral defect chaos above the onset of Rayleigh-Bénard convection |
16:15:00 | 492 | Elena Marensi and Björn Hof | The onset of fully turbulent pipe flow |
16:30:00 | 499 | Roger Ayats, Gökhan Yalnız, Fernando Mellibovsky, Alvaro Meseguer and Björn Hof | Optimal orientation of oblique turbulent stripes in planar shear flows |
16:45:00 | 504 | Kazuki Kohyama and Takahiro Tsukahara | Turbulence maintenance limitation at low Reynolds number in annular Couette flow with very small radius ratios |