Abstract submission

Abstract submission

Abstract Submission for ETC18 is OPEN!. Deadline: March 15th, 2023. March 31st, 2023 See templates below

Submission is now CLOSED!

Authors wishing to contribute to the conference through the General Sessions or a Mini-Symposium are invited to submit a one-page abstract. A Mini-Symposium comprises one or a few sessions (up to three sessions) of coordinated presentations on a single topic of interest and importance in Turbulence. Each session within a mini-symposium should include seven presentations as the ones of General Sessions. Each speaker is allotted 12 minutes for their presentation, with an additional 3 minutes for discussion. If you are interested in organizing a Mini-Symposium, contact the organizers a etc18@upv.es
The notifications about the acceptance of the abstracts will be sent in April 2022. The conference program will include only the accepted abstracts. Each participant is allowed to present one paper. Presenters will be required to register for the conference.




In this edition, the main topics for this year include (but are not limited to)

1.    Artificial Intelligence in turbulence

2.    The acoustics of turbulent flows

3.    MHD turbulence

4.    Atmospheric turbulence

5.    Reacting and compressible turbulence

6.    Control of turbulent flows

7.    Transport and mixing

8.    Geophysical and astrophysical turbulence

9.    Turbulence in multiphase and non-Newtonian flows

10. Instability and transition

11. Vortex dynamics and structure formation

12. Intermittency and scaling

13. Wall bounded flows

14. Large eddy simulation and related techniques

15. Turbulent combustion

16. Lagrangian aspects of turbulence

17. Turbulence in superfluids

The abstract template provided via the links below must be used. The template is available in either MS Word format or LaTeX format. Abstracts must be converted to PDF format before submission.

Notice for ETMM 14 Participants

ETMM14 will be held in Barcelona on Sept. 6-8 2023. The organizing committee of ETC18 will coordinate with that of ETMM14 to avoid schedule conflicts for authors attending both meetings.